Building on our existing support for annotated bibliographies, we’re excited to announce new citation management features to improve support for National History Day (NHD) projects. NHD rules require citations to be grouped as primary and secondary sources within the bibliography.
So, we’ve added a new option in our Citation Editor to allow students to designate each information source as a primary or secondary source. Sources without either option selected are treated as secondary sources.

In our Bibliography Editor, we’ve added the option to split the bibliography into primary and secondary sources. Students can toggle between a standard bibliography and the new split bibliography simply by checking or unchecking the Split primary/secondary sources checkbox.

Finally, in Scrible Writer, our Google Docs Add-on/Microsoft Word Add-in, we’ve added the option to split the bibliography into primary and secondary sections. We’ve also added the option to use the annotated version of a bibliography in the document simply be checking a new Annotated Bibliography checkbox.